Sunday, November 13, 2011


Cosmic rays from the colliding stars can produce harmful substances into the earth. Scientists claim radiation, also known as radiation can cause things to disappear, and produce new species by mutation (genetic change).
When a person speaks, an average of 300 droplets of saliva will be out in a minute, about 2.5 drop for a single word.
In a cup of coffee there are more than 1,000 chemicals.
People who use their right hand to live nine years longer than left-handed people.
On average a person spent two years hanging on the phone during its lifetime.
On average, a 8.000 gallons of drinking water throughout his life.
Around the world, yo-yo is a game but in the Philippines, it is a dangerous weapon.
There are only four countries in the world starting with letters D, namely Denmark, Dominica, Djibouti and the Republic of Dominica.
Each year, the English Channel that separates England and France widened by 300 millimeters.
Name all the continents begins and ends with the same alphabet letter A.
Humans only use 10% of his brain to think; the rest for other activities or cause involuntary movements.
When sneezing, all organs of the body including the heart does not work.
Brain damage will occur if the temperature rises above 41 degrees Celsius.
Hippopotamus can run faster than men.
Lion roar can be heard as far as three kilometers.
Oysters can change gender several times during its lifetime.
An estimated 80 percent of the animals on earth are insects.
Queen termite can live for 500 years and produces 30,000 eggs per day.
If all block of ice at 23 million cubic yards - the world's liquid at one time, the content of ocean water a small increase of 1.7 peratus.Peningkatan however, raising the water level up to 60 meters from the existing. If this happens, most of the world's land masses will turn to the ocean.
Suspension bridge near the International Airport Haneda, Japan said the world's longest. Measuring 124 meters long and 4 meters wide, the center continues to facilitate its adoption when the ship go under it. Construction costs are cheaper than making the tunnel under the sea.
Huang Ho River dubbed as suffering river as often claimed hundreds of millions of lives when floods every year.
Coldest place in the world is not the North Pole or South Pole, but Verkovank, Siberia with temperatures as low as 100 degrees below zero was recorded.Coldest place in the world is not the North Pole or South Pole, but Verkovank, Siberia with temperatures as low as 100 degrees below zero was recorded.
Shrews, the smallest mammal in the world eat four times its body weight in 36 hours.
Children spend more time learning about life through media, especially television. On average a child spends about 28 hours per week watching TV, twice as much of their time at school.
Waste (stool) from a chicken during its lifetime can supply enough electricity to light a 100 watt incandescent bulb for five jam.Ayam will also produce larger eggs if today is the day.
Tortoise gender can be identified based on the sound produced.Tortoise - tortoise male guttural noises, while the female produces a sizzling sound.
If you scream for eight years, seven months and six days, you can produce enough energy to heat a cup of coffee.
In 1848, Niagara Falls stopped flowing when iceberg prevent Niagara River from flowing in the direction of this waterfall.
Crocodiles can not stick and move his tongue as the organ that sticks to the palate.
The largest stones ever issued from the patient is as heavy as 1.36 kg.
Fish can detect 27,000 odors, making it the most sensitive animal sense of smell.
Kangaroos only in Australia actually can not jump if its tail is touching the ground. The tail acts as a prop when the animal jumps.
Many products on the market today have a 'bar code' to facilitate the payment process.Actually, the first product that has `bar code 'is' chewing gum' Wrigleys.
All the planets in space move around the sun clockwise against the clock except Venus.
If the small intestine of a man resolved, the length can reach up to four or five times the height of the person.
The most abundant animals on earth is ants. The ratio is one million per person.
Horn or horns are not derived from the bones, but arise from feathers that accumulates and hardens.
You have to climb as many as 1,792 stairs to reach the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Seoul is the capital of Korea. In his mother tongue, Seoul means `capital '.
If shark open mouth for a long time, it would have drowned because the water will get into his mouth.
Olympus Mons, located on the planet Mars is the largest volcano in the solar system.
According to studies, an average of 30,000 words each of us would like a day and take 3 1 / 2 hours a day to speak.
The first drama was staged by artists Egypt in 3200 BC, more than 5,000 years ago. Drama script found by an archeology in Luxor in 1895 written on papyrus plants and still retained to the present.

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